Thursday, September 3, 2015

Home Treatments for Back Acne

Back acne is one of the most common forms of acne in adolescents and adults. Many people who have never suffered from significant facial acne in their lifetimes end up getting severe back acne (or “bacne” as it is sometimes called).

The weird thing about bacne is that it often develops suddenly later in life and may not fully present itself until someone is 20 years or older. It is often considered hormonal in nature, often brought about by the end of puberty and males or pregnancy in females.

Birth Control, other Medications and Bacne
Birth control products may both eliminate as well as cause back acne in females, so if you suddenly develop back acne after starting a certain type of birth control, consider talking to your doctor about switching varieties.

The same goes for other types of medications as well. Everything from anti-anxiety to anti-depressant medications may cause back acne, so if you suddenly develop back acne after starting a new medicine, mention it to your doctor. Sometimes a medication change is all you need to get rid of back acne.

Benzoyl Peroxide for Back Acne
The best home treatment for back acne is benzoyl peroxide. This compound is very effective at clearing pores and destroying the bacteria that cause acne. Benzoyl peroxide is the active ingredient in many types of acne treatments. It is typically found in creams rather than cleansers, as most cleansers that have active ingredients use salicylic acid instead of benzoyl peroxide. Salicylic acid does not seem to work as well for back acne as benzoyl peroxide, so be sure to check the active ingredients list of your favorite products.

Be careful when using benzoyl peroxide that you do not wash off as it may stain clothes. If you put on benzoyl peroxide after a shower, put on a white t shirt as your base layer or allow the skin to fully dry before getting dressed. You might ruin a darker shirt if any benzoyl peroxide gets on it!

When and How Often to Apply Benzoyl Peroxide for Back Acne
The best time to apply benzoyl peroxide is during or right after your shower, depending on the variety of benzoyl peroxide product you are using. Some products are wash-off whereas others are leave-in. Naturally, if the product needs to be washed off, you can use it while you shower, whereas if it is meant to be left on and allowed to dry, immediately after you shower is the ideal time. You always want to apply benzoyl peroxide to a clean back, so be sure you wash your back before using any benzoyl peroxide creams. This will help clear the pores so that the cream can be more effective.

The question of how often to apply benzoyl peroxide is individual. Benzoyl peroxide can be applied up to twice a day, but this is often more than necessary. The more you apply benzoyl peroxide, the more likely you are to get dry skin. You will want to strike a balance between drying out the skin and fighting acne. For those with very oily skin this might be twice a day. For those with very dry skin this might be only once every couple of days.

Where to Get Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is typically found in cream form. There are a lot of different products out there which contain this and all of them will work. Look for concentrations somewhere between 2.5% and 5%. Any less will not be effective and any more is more likely to irritate the skin. If you are looking for a specific product recommendation, consider an Exposed Skin Care treatment kit. These kits come with everything you need to get rid of acne including a 3.5% concentration benzoyl peroxide cream.

You can get the Exposed Skin Care acne treatment kits on their website, which you can visit by clicking here.

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