I'll show you guys how to make a tomato face mask that
will get rid those pimples on your face.This mask is also good for dry, dull,
and saggy skin. It's all natural so, let's see the benefits of the mask. The
mask is going to treat your acne, brighten your skin, firm your skin, and
hydrate your skin.
You're gonna need:
You're gonna need:
- A small bowl and a cup.
- A non-saturated facial sheet mask. You can buy this at Daiso or you can use paper towels.
- A juicer. If you don't have one you can use a blender instead. I'll show you how with the blender.
- And of course a tomato for your mask.
If you have everything. It's time to make the mask!
- Blend everything and then use a cheesecloth or a paper towel to filter the juice.
- Pour out a best amount for your mask, and then put the rest in the fridge. The juice is good up to a week.
- Time to apply! Make sure you have no makeup and your face is cleansed.
- Leave it on for 30 minutes.
Like I said, if you don't have the mask, you can use
paper towels. Cut them into smaller pieces to fit your face.
The reason why tomato is good for the skin is because
it contains "Lycopene."A substance that gives the tomato that
redish-orangey color. That substance is known to be really good for the skin if
apply topically.
Peel the mask off. Your redness of acne should have
toned down and your skin should feel plump and soft. You can wash off or leave
on. If you leave on press your skin with your palm for better absorption.
I hope you guys enjoy this DIY tutorial.
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